Known Errors and Solutions

Error 1:    Prophet shows the error message "Run-time error 380 - Invalid Property Value"

Error 2:    Prophet Screen shows invalid or junk characters.


Solution:  Remove the fonts listed below and reinstall the Fonts from your Prophet CD as detailed below.

1. Removing Fonts

Press -> [Start] -> [Settings] -> [Control Panel] -> [Fonts]

Select the fonts listed below and press [Delete] key to remove the fonts.

ProphetEnglishNormal (TrueType)

ProphetHindiNormal (TrueType)

ProphetMalayalamNormal (TrueType)

ProphetTamilNormal (TrueType)

ProphetKannadaNormal (TrueType)

2. Reinstalling Fonts

Insert the Prophet CD in CD drive.

Press -> [Start] -> [Settings] -> [Control Panel] -> [Fonts] -> [File] -> [Install New Font]

The dialogue box "Add fonts" will appear on your computer screen.

Select CD drive from the drive list box of the dialogue box.

The five fonts of Prophet software will appear on the screen.

ProphetEnglishNormal (TrueType)

ProphetHindiNormal (TrueType)

ProphetMalayalamNormal (TrueType)

ProphetTamilNormal (TrueType)

ProphetKannadaNormal (TrueType)

Press in the [Select All] and [OK] buttons to install these fonts


If the error persist reduce the total number of fonts in your system and repeat the steps given above. The number of fonts in your system should be less than 500.


Error 3:  Prophet shows the error message "Run-time error 482 - Printer error" and quitting.


Solution: Install a Printer driver in your system as below.


 Press, [Start] -> [Setting] -> [Printers] -> [AddPrinters]

 and add a printer driver in your system and restart Prophet.

Error  :  Runtime Error 429, Can't create ActiveX control.


Solution :  Delete the file MSADODC.OCX from Windows System directory and re-install PROPHET

Error : Blank Pages, skipping pages in printing.


Solution : Set the paper size to A4 in printer setup dialogue


Error : In prediction Page numbers are not matching with the flow of subject, i.e., page
nos 10 and 9 have been interchanged as well as 11 & 12.

Solution : Use the Customize prediction option of Horoscope menu to print predictions as detailed below

  1. Horoscope - > Customize Prediction -> Build Prediction
  2. Horoscope - > Customize Prediction -> Print Customized Prediction


  1. Horoscope - > Customize Prediction -> Build Prediction
  2. Horoscope - > Customize Prediction -> Select All - Prediction
  3. Horoscope - > Customize Prediction -> Copy - Prediction
  4. Open Word Template file of PROPHET, i.e. [Start] -> Programs -> Supersoft PROPHET -> PROPHET Template
  5. This will open a MS Word Template file, Select the Edit -> Paste menu of MS Word to paste the predictions of PROPHET in the word document and print the Word file.


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